Monday, October 3, 2011

Wickedly Wonderful Wasps!

This really is the time of the year for hysterical people! The universal cry to be heard above all others, as everyone gets up and runs away with arms flailing, is undoubtedly, "WASP!!!". Prepare yourself, wasps belong to the family Vespidae and at present there are 4,000 species known to us. I would like to take this opportunity, whilst on my soapbox, to come to the aid of the lowly wasp. Wasps ARE BENEFICIAL! They feed their grubs on insects such as flies and caterpillars and make great pest controllers in your gardens. Wasps will also eat carrion and pollinate plants. They in turn feed others such as birds. There really is a point to wasps other than the one on the end of their beautiful bodies. Wasps will sting it is true but this is in defence, and unlike a bee, an individual can sting many times. Soon the frosts will be here and the wasps will all die except for the newly mated young Queens who will overwinter ready for next year. If you do get a chance to see a wasp nest up close just take a good look at its construction. Built out of chewed up wood entirely by the female workers it is truly a marvel. Inside the cells are all perfect hexagons. That alone should give you respect for the wonderful wasp!

                                                       Just look at the stunning construction!

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