Thursday, February 23, 2012

An Excellent Experience. . . .

The great thing about a child being a member of the Amateur Entomologists' Society's Bug Club   is the opportunities that arise. You do not have to be Gifted and Talented, you just need to have a passion for invertebrates. If you are a parent or teacher of a child who shows a distinct interest in this subject then I strongly recommend you look into membership. As your child is a minor, the great thing is that they will need to be accompanied by an adult and you then get to have some great experiences too! Recently the AES Bug Club held a Young Entomologists' Day at the Oxford University Natural History Museum and everyone had a really fantastic day. There were a whole host of activities going on from microscopy, handling live invertebrates, behind the scenes tours, pinning and pointing workshops let alone wandering around the stunning museum itself. The children get to meet the staff, be inspired by them and have the privilege of entering the moth ball infused, secret hallows that hide behind a museums corridor doors. The experts available to talk and teach that day where, amongst others, Darren Mann, Assistant Curator of the Entomology Department and Hillery Warner, Specimen Preparator of the Entomology Department in the London Natural History Museum . Children learn so much through experience and that keeps their learning alive.

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