Monday, January 21, 2013

First snow fall!

The Oxfordshire landscape changed dramatically overnight as a thick blanket of snow descended. Excitement was doubled when it was confirmed that all local schools were closed. Firstly there were the farm animals to tend to. Cattle to be brought in and water to be defrosted. Hay had to be taken out to sheep still on the hills and a quick check around all our elderly neighbours. Finally, we could get to the serious stuff of the day - sledging and plenty of hot chocolate. My children wanted to know how we get snow in the first place, so I told them. Snow begins as ice crystals that form a cloud when water vapour freezes around minute solid particles in the middle and upper levels of the atmosphere. The temperatures are well below 0° C. The individual ice crystals gradually bond, forming beautiful snowflakes. Not one is identical and once the snowflakes are heavy enough, they fall silently to the ground. A mixture of chaos and fun ensues.

1. Icicles form where water drips off the thatch roof and freezes again.
2. Teasel seed heads get a layer of fresh snow.
3. My youngest son bringing his Dexter cows back home so it is easier to care for them during the bad weather.
4. Sledging down the Downs - apparently the only reason we get snow!

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