Monday, January 28, 2013

Historic Horrors!

Parasites come in many forms but the one thing they all have in common is that they have to live off a living host. This relationship is not a good one for the host, who gets nothing from it. A parasitoid can even lead to its hosts death. A parasite is always much smaller than its host. Viruses are parasites as are quite a few invertebrates. There are even parasites that parasitize other parasites - how cool is that?! Tape worm, whip worm, round worm, intestinal fluke and liver fluke are just a few little beauties that can really spoil your day. This little group affect the intestines, lungs, brain, pancreas, liver and appendix between them. In certain countries they are still a problem but in our history they were rife. Human faeces have been dug up from Viking settlement sites in places such as York and they are infested with some of this merry collection. (Worth a visit is the Viking Festival in York 16th-24th Feb 2013 - visit the Jorvik Centre to see some 1000 year old worm invested poo for yourself as well as having a great Viking experience!) Other great little parasites which caused our ancestors some considerable trouble, and are still here with us today but hopefully rather more controlled, are the bedbugs, head lice, body lice and the rather dubious pubic louse. Under the microscope these little chaps are beautifully built for the job of hanging on and sucking blood. Right little historic horrors!

Re-enactments are great practical learning opportunities for children. Brilliant with your school or  just pure family fun!

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