Judging by the amount of nymphs produced by our Leaf, Archimandrita tesselata,, Hissing, Gromphadorhina oblongonota, and Tiger Hissing Cockroaches, Princisia vanwaerebecki, in the last few days I would say they are all very happy indeed! The nymphs are all wingless and will have to go through several moults to enable them to grow into adults. The ones that are winged when adults will only produce their wings when they have their final moult. We call each moult stage an instar and they can not breathe while they do actually moult their old exoskeleton because it passes over their spiracles, which are their breathing holes on their abdomen, and blocks them as it goes. I am always relieved when each moult is over and everyone is okay.
Beautiful babies! |
Moulted skins. |
Vader, one of our male Giant Asian Mantis coming out of his old skin. |
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