Another long day at a show with a four o'clock start this morning. Luke Snail Walker was on form as usual sliding around his tank all day. I believe its the vibrations of the journey along with the change in surroundings, temperature etc. that make him so active at shows. The funny thing is he always rests the next day and hardly moves. We call it his hangover day. I do refer to Luke as a male but in fact he is a hermaphrodite which means he can produce eggs and sperm so really he is neither wholly male or female. One thing that always amazes me is yet again how many people think he is a slug! How can you mistake a giant, nearly foot long snail with a huge shell on his back for a slug? What happened to that adult since they were a child drawing the classic swirl of a snails shell? I will admit snails and slugs both belong to the same class when we classify them. It is called Gastropoda and some slugs do have tiny residue shells inside them. We even have a clever little chap called a Shelled Slug in this country who is busy munching on earthworms and has a small shell on his back at the tail end, but you just can not get away from the plain fact that Luke is most definitely a snail. Its in his name
Luke Snail Walker, our African Land SNAIL. |
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