Time to get ready for the show season. I love shows but it really is a very long day. I often get carried away talking to people and have lost my voice by the end of the day before now. (That, I am reliably informed by the rest of my family, is not an unfortunate circumstance.) Spook, our Barn Owl, positively savours the quiet times in our home when it is just the two of us and takes an avid interest in whatever I am doing. Today it is making and printing information labels for the insect display tanks. Owl talons are not recommended for computer screens no matter how special the owl in question is! Spook was re homed with us when he was still quite young and has imprinted himself on me. We have had owls before and unfortunately its often through films getting the better of people. Owls DO NOT deliver letters and do not make ideal pets. Easily bred in captivity and equally easily bought over the internet these owls are often neglected through lack of knowledge and it quickly sinks in that they are totally unsuitable. Some are released which has all sorts of complications, others die and the lucky few get handed in to rescue centres who are often over run and under funded. We have an incredible local lady who absolutely devotes her entire life to these owls. Her name is Chrissie and she is working tremendously hard for owl conservation through education, visit www.chrissiesowls.com for more information. Spook can never go into the wild but has his 'freedom' with us for life. The big link here though is a food chain. In the wild it is the invertebrates pollinating the plants for seeds as well as being food themselves for rodents who in turn feed that graceful, ghostly Barn Owl as he silently swoops and dives over the grass margins to catch food for his owlets waiting in our old Dairy Buildings with his mate. I never tire of watching that.... Enough day dreaming for me and back to invertebrate labelling while Spook snores.
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